As Craigslist charges different rates for all the paid sections and in some sections charges different rates depending on the cities, that is why you can order a custom package according to your requirements for all the paid sections postings. Please fill out the form according to your requirements and we will get back to you with the best craigslist posting packages.
Minimum order is 10 Ads per day for FREE sections, For PAID sections you can order as many ads as you want. To cover our investment cost we require the minimum duration of each campaign be at least 14 day (2 weeks). What works today may not work tomorrow so we reserve the right to change pricing based upon restrictions that can be created by Craigslist also upon the current supply/demand. Please Contact Us today to place an order!
We accept PayPal, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Skrill, Western Union and MoneyGram. Payment is required before the start of postings.
Postings begin 24-36 hours following the confirmation of your payment due to the resources that have to be gathered such as pvas and accounts.
We will submit daily reports containing the links of flagged, ghosted or live posts. As one of the reliable craigslist ad posting service, we only charge for live ads you don’t pay for ghosted ads. Any ghosted ads will be re-posted free of charge. You are responsible for posts that are flagged however, Craigslist users has been given the ability to flag posts and we do not have control over 3rd parties or competitors flagging your ads.
You will get 100% satisfaction guarantee with our Craigslist Ad Posting Service. If due to any reason we are not able to start your campaign, we will issue full refund. During the campaign if we are not able to post 100% live ads, we will issue the refund for the remaining balance.
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